Tango Intensive with Alicia Pons of Buenos Aires
Presence and sensuality: the intimate conversation of tango

April 9, 10 and 11th, 2010 at the SPK

Throughout the weekend, Alicia will progressively build on fundamental concepts for creative and clear tango dancing. The weekend program is designed for all levels, and while we encourage dancers to take advantage of the full package, participants may also register for single classes.

The package consists of six classes and entry to the EL CENTRO Milonga on Friday and a special potluck dinner and practica on Sunday.

FRIDAY, April 9

Location: SPK, 1134 Kingsway (between Fraser and Knight, just east of Glen)

8:00 pm — 9:30 pm Introduction to body language: getting your body ready to dance. Relaxing. Weight and balance changes: invite your partner to dance through your body. Completing the step, finding the column within your walk.



9:30 pm— 1:00 am

SPK, 1134 Kingsway (between Fraser and Knight)

Included in the weekend package or $10/$7 students.

SATURDAY, April 10

Location: SPK, 1134 Kingsway (between Fraser and Knight, just east of Glen)

1:00 pm — 2:30 pm Movement as a journey: learn to transmit movement and explore the flow of energy between the dancing partners, and between the dancing partners and the floor. Exercises.

2:45 pm — 4:15 pm Musicality. Listening to and expressing rhythm and melody in tango, vals and milonga. Shifting gears: walking slow, fast and runs.

4:30 — 6:00 pm Tango happens between the steps: the seductive conversation between dance partners. Tango as an invitation, not as a demand: clear and smooth leading, light and elegant following. Use of these concepts in the cross.

SUNDAY, April 11

Location: SPK, 1134 Kingsway (between Fraser and Knight, just east of Glen)

2:00 pm —3:30 pm Pauses and suspension: Applying the concept of column to find the music in your body.

3:45 pm — 5:15 pm Tools for creativity in tango: applying creativity to runs and the ocho cortado and applying the concepts covered over the course of the weekend.



5:30 pm TO 10:00 pm

Join us at EL CENTRO for a POTLUCK and PRACTICA at SPK.

Included in the weekend package or $8.


$125 weekend package (6 classes, EL CENTRO Milonga, the potluck dinner and practica on Sunday)or $25 per class.

Alicia is available for privates from April 9 to 14. To book, call 778-995-3155.

Here's a video featuring Alicia's last visit to Vancouver:


Alicia was trained in classical dance from an early age and routinely performed in all the major theaters of her native city of Buenos Aires. Her introduction to tango came later, and her first teacher was Graciela Gonzalez, whose women’s technique has shaped her tango footwork. But with time Alicia gravitated toward the milonguero style that evolved in the rich social culture of the crowded and lively dancehalls (or milongas) of downtown Buenos Aires. Her first inspiration and performing partner in that style was the late Tete Rusconi, one of the most renowned milongueros of his generation. She taught a number of years with another great milonguero, Cacho Dante, with whom she has performed at major festivals.

Alicia Pons is an elegant and accomplished dancer. She is most noted for her refined footwork and sensual movement. She has a true gift for teaching and is widely appreciated for the way she balances good humour with a stimulating challenge. Local dancers, men and women alike, have been looking forward to her return visit. As one participant remarked:

“As a teacher, she really knows how to CONVEY, so people can really experience what she is talking about in their own dancing.”

Although she is an exquisitely refined dancer, whose teaching stresses solid technique, Alicia seeks to reveal a vital essence beneath the fancy footwork. As she covers technical details, she has a remarkable way of going deeper, to work on the inner dancer.

Rather than keeping us distracted with elaborate sequences, Alicia starts with exercises to reveal the mechanics of how the couple keeps a close connection through every phase of each step. On a deeper level she draws us into dancing on the “inside” so that partners can share comfortably in bringing music, emotion and action together. Out of this can come the kind of expressive and transporting dancing that makes every move — even the smallest, simplest and tightest turn — into a magical experience.

The “oomph” Alicia inspires in dancers brings a deliberate intention and clarity to a man’s lead, with a vocabulary of practical moves for freely expressing the music, while he confidently navigates a busy floor. And for the woman, rather than allowing herself to be flung about like a rag doll, she starts to feel like she’s “flying,” which is something else altogether. Dancing “into the floor,” one of the most characteristic — and hard to grasp — qualities typical of experienced milongueros and milongueras, frees and empowers the woman while she is following. This gives her a grounded presence that allows her to play a more active and meaningful part in the wordless dialogue of the dance, making her so much more fascinating to lead and so much more desirable as a partner.

Here's a video of Robert Hauk and Alicia Pons dancing in Seattle.

Wednesday Practica

SPK, 1134 Kingsway (b/w Fraser & Knight)
9:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. – $8 / $50 for 10 visits / $5 students – no partner necessary


LOCATION: SPK, 1134 Kingsway (b/w Fraser & Knight)
8:30 to 9:30 p.m. – drop-in class, $15 incl. milonga
9:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. – milonga, $10 / $7 students

Lessons with Francis and Emiko
WEDNESDAYS — Intermediate Tango Lesson – by invitation only
LOCATION: SPK, 1134 Kingsway (b/w Fraser & Knight)
7:30 to 9:00 p.m., $60/month or $18 drop-in

THURSDAYS — Beginner Tango Lesson – NEW SESSION – March 11 to April 29, 2010
LOCATION: Edam, 303 E. 8th Ave. (just east of Main)
8:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. – $120 or $18 drop-in – no partner necessary

Introducing EL CENTRO at SPK, 1134 Kingsway. These clips are from our first week in our new space.

FOR INFORMATION, contact Francis and Emiko at estudiodetango[AT]yahoo.ca or call 778-995-3155.